The learning space of is full of educational episodes addressing various topics related to beef production. This section adresses genetic selection and its elements. Happy viewing!
What is genetic selection?
Animals naturally have characteristics that are unique to them. Is is by using these natural characteristics and the genetic information associated with them that we are able to produce animals that best meet the needs of the market. In this episode we will demystify genetic selection.
Traits evaluation: 4 essential elements
Now that you know that selection involves 3 distinct stages, you must understand the 4 essential elements that make up the first stage of genetic selection, since they represent the magic ingredients necessary to succesfully complete your genetic recipe!
Element #1: Measuring traits
It's all well and good to say that we want to measure important traits for our genetic selection, but we must first ask ourselves some questions, such as, for example, what we can measure or not. We must also understand the nature of the character in order to determine how we will measure it. Thse are many questions that will be answered in this episode!
Element #2: Eliminate the environmental effect
Why would we talk about environement in an essential element for genetic selection? We're not talking about canceling a snowstorm here! No, we will discover in the next episode that the expression of certain genetic tratis can be linked to the environment, but that this is not necessarily desirable. We will also understand how we can divert this element and be able to make good genetic selection.
Element #3: Evaluate enough individuals
Another key ingredient for sucessful genetic selection is to evaluate a sufficient number of animals. Indeed, you will easily understand thanks to a very concrete example that we must evaluate enough individuals to hope to select the best!
Element #4: Observe differences
After consulting the first 3 essential elements in measuring traits, it is time to summarize everything. It is necessary to make the link with certain concepts such as the selection differential, the intensity of selection as well as the interval between generations. But don't be afraid, we will support you in the process and you will be able to clearly understand that all this leads to the calculation of genetic progress, the unit of measurement for the genetic selection.